The MUNTREF opened its doors to the public in 2002 with the aim of building an open space for the arts and community service. Arte para Todos, Art for All, is the motto from which a vast program of activities aimed at different audiences is displayed, with particular attention to the educational program for schools.
The museum is a bridge ensuring, the flow of social information related to research on art and artists from Argentina, Latin America and also those referring to the modern and contemporary international movement. For this reason, it also functions as a meeting, development and experimentation space to different areas of the university: Art and Culture Management, Electronic Arts, Sound Engineering, History and the Master in Visual Arts Curatorship, among others.
In addition to the great masters of modern Argentine and international art exhibitions which MUNTREF has been offering for years at its original headquarters of Caseros, a complex web of support and diversity of expressions of the most representative of contemporary art is added from its five venues: MUNTREF Museum of Visual Arts, Center for Contemporary Art, Museum of Immigration, MUNTREF Center for Art and Science and MUNTREF Center for Art and Nature.
Valentín Gómez 4838.
Caseros, Province of Buenos Aires.
Open from Monday to Saturday from 12 to 8 p.m.
Participative visits: Saturdays 3.30 p.m.
Art workshops for boys and girls: Saturdays 4 p.m.
Admission and all activities are free and without registration.
Tels: 4759-3528 / 3578 / 3537 / 3537 / 0040 – Internal 115
MUNTREF Centro de Arte y Ciencia is based at TECNÓPOLIS as a research laboratory.