Ulysses Immigrant. A graphic fantasy. Eduardo Stupia

    From 8 September

    Black that moves the universe. Marina De Caro

    From 8 September



    Ulysses Immigrant. A graphic fantasy, by Eduardo Stupía, and “Black that moves the universe” (Negro que mueve el universe), by Marina De Caro, were inaugurated on Saturday September 8 at the old Inmigrants Hotel, headquarters of the MUNTREF Contemporary Art Center. Both artists focus these exhibitions on the theme of migrations. “Stupía is one of the most significant artists of Argentinean art, and Marina De Caro is someone who represents a lot for contemporary art in our country,” said Aníbal Jozami, rector of the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) and director of MUNTREF, who thanked the artists for the works achieved.

    Jozami also dedicated some moving words to one of the guests who approached the inauguration: “I want to thank very specially the presence of who for us is, perhaps, the greatest living Argentinean artist: Yuyo Noé”.

    Diana Wechsler, deputy director of MUNTREF and director of the Art and Culture Department of UNTREF, delved into the artistic quality and conceptual elaboration of the proposals. “In both cases there is a very interesting historical and contemporary interpretation, committed to the present,” she said, highlighting that they are “two strongly political projects and they are reflected  from the place of artistic resources. Furthermore, Wechsler remarked that it is not always possible “to offer this type of debates in art projects”.

    Ulysses, an immigrant. A graphic fantasy is an installation inspired in the journey of the mythical hero Ulysses included in the Greek poem Odyssey, composed by Homer. In Stupia’s words, the work is a revision of that path through texts, images and sounds that strengthen each other. The work raises a reflection on contemporary subjectivity, migration and exile.

    “Ulysses is an immigrant, not because he is an immigrant in the political system, but because when he returns he is a re-born. The central idea is that once the homeland is lost, you can never recover it again,” said the author. Another of the aspects that gravitate strongly in the work has to do with the conflict that occurs in the migrant when confronting his own language with the language that shelters him.

    “This is a joint work and responsibilities are shared,” explained the artist, who counted on the collaboration of Daniel Samoilovich in texts and lyrics, Pablo Ortiz in music and Julián D’Angiolillo in visual design.


    For her part, Marina De Caro, who is exhibiting for the first time at MUNTREF, commented that “Negro que mueve el universo “alludes to the anarchist tradition of the Spaniards and Italians who came to our country and have marked us so much”. The work is an intervention in the Project Room, in which different coloured ceramics are displayed. The project arose within the framework of the activities of the collective Cromoactivisme, of which De Caro is part together with Guillermina Mongan, Victoria Musotto, Daiana Rose and Mariela Scafati. The artist explored the chromatic identities of the ideologies of many of the migrants who passed through the historic building. “Anarchism also has a poetic militancy,” concluded the creator.